Gene editing by Sophia Hungerford

 Gene editing - Sophia Hungerford


Although gene editing for heritable changes is not safe yet, scientists are working on making it safe. Gene edits have been tested on adult cells, which means the edits will not be passed down, but they have not found a safe way to make changes that would be heritable. Scientists are able to edit the genes of animals, but doing this to humans is much more complicated. They are also working on setting guidelines for what kind of gene editing should be allowed. Most scientists are hoping to use this to help prevent the spread of serious diseases spread through genes, but are afraid some will take advantage of the ability to edit genes by making “designer babies” by choosing certain traits they want their kid to have.

How can gene editing be useful?

Do you see an issue with gene editing?

Should people be allowed to “design” their own kids?


  1. it can help remove dangerous genes hereditary to a persons DNA - Ryan Smith

  2. Gene editing can be useful when investigating different diseases that can affect humans. I think the issue that comes with gene editing is when it strays away from research and prevention of diseases. -Kevin Gu

  3. People should not be able to design their own kids, unless they have some genetic defect or decease that would make the child's life better if they were to remove the gene. - Steven Solomon

  4. I have no issue with gene editing. It will massively improve people's lives due to getting rid of genetic diseases.

  5. I think designing your own kids is kind of weird when it comes to physical apperances, it shouldnt matter what your kid looks like. For defects or diseases it should be allowed. Sarah lachance

  6. I think that this can be useful in some cases but absolutely not necessary, I can also see this ending very badly.- Maddie Silk

  7. Gene editing can be useful to make sure that any babies don't have long term conditions for their lives. A problem with gene editing is that some people might find it ethically concerning and they could say that humans shouldn't be able to affect how life is created.

  8. In my opinion, designing your kid(s) shouldn't be allowed but it does have a lot of pros.

  9. I don't think people should be able to "design" their own babies because it turns something natural around. However, for health purpose their are some benefits that could help in the future. -sophia becklenberg

  10. I think it's a great idea, it can help remove dangerous genes.

  11. Gene editing has the potential to be really good but it feels like people are trying to be god by doing this. Yes it could change the medical world but it totally messes with the natural world and people can so easily abuse having this power over human genes.

  12. I think gene editing can be extremely beneficial, but if this were to be popularized then it would be really difficult to avoid people editing genes to reach their ideal image.
    Charles Poe

  13. Yes I think this is a good idea to edit out bad genes your kids could possibly pick up. -lannah

  14. Gene editing can be very helpful and help those who were born with a disadvantage. However, I do not think that it is a very good idea because of the things that it could possibly do in the wrong hands. -Erik E

  15. I think that gene editing would be suitable for livestock and other animals, but I think that it's entirely unethical for human use. If people (the wealthy) had access to gene editing it would create an additional social class and I feel like that'd be a really bad addition to our already struggling society. -Kendall Dees

  16. i think it can be useful but harmful too-Ryan Carter

  17. I think that the issue with gene editing is that you logically you are not supposed to pick and choose what type of gene your kids and its supposed to be a surprise.-Takia McMorris


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