Lab tested dogs by Gabby Piper

Lab tested dogs by Gabby Piper

When it comes to testing animals in a lab we usually think of animals like Mice, Hamsters or even Rabbits, but KOB recently discovered that in Mexico, 4 Labs are testing dogs, specifically Beagles. The Humane society will be taking some to save their lives.

These are requirements labs should meet for Animal Humane to transfer in these pets:

-Accredited by the association for assessment and accreditation of laboratory Animal Care International.

-To be submitted on time

-To pass inspections without any animal welfare

Unfortunately these humane societies can’t save all those innocent Dogs. These requirements discard any other Pup waiting to come home.

Animal Humane confirms that they save about 20 beagles a year, which isn’t a lot considering how many dogs the Mexican laboratories take in.

The Humane Society last week released an undercover investigation into the lab. The group had said that one experiment involved 36 beagles, that were being used in a year long pesticide test for a product being developed called, Corteva. The Dogs remained were noted to be released this summer.

The Humane Society says more than 60,000 dogs are used in toxicity tests and research every year in the U.S.

What do You Think Humane Societies Can Do To Save More Pups and Dogs?

What Do You Think About The Mexican Labs Testing Dogs?

Do You Think Testing Dogs can give us important information that’s helpful.


  1. Mexican lab testing is harmful and the only animals that they are doing it to are dogs which really makes it unfair.-Anadia phillips

  2. I think this is all around wrong, even though the dogs are stray that doesn't mean that people should mess with their health and well-being of life.-Tamara

  3. Do beagles have a special ability other dogs or are they more connected to humans so we have better data and more correct. Devion Harris........

  4. I wonder what is so specifically important of Beagle breeds of dogs in particular for them to be the only type of dogs to be tested on by Mexico( Ian Noedel)

  5. I think that testing on dogs is not okay, because it can cause them to suffer and even kill them. I also think that more research should be done on ways to test out products, without doing so on animals. -Fagan O´Connor

  6. I think that testing dog is a very bad thing becausr the dog has feelings and theuy wdontg want to be tested, becasue imagine how the people testing the dogs woiuld feel if they were the ones being testedf - Jack O'Leary

  7. They are most likely some type of reason that they are testing on dogs maybe b/c there like over population this this type of dog and I don't think that they are just taking folks dogs from there door step is it OK maybe it deepness of the type of stuff they are doing to them.

    From Gabriel

  8. It's sad that Mexico does testing on dogs as dogs have feelings and can be good friends to people. There's no good reason to make them suffer like this.

  9. Alyssa Morales

    I think instead of just saying it's wrong to do the testing on dogs we should also look at why they are testing on those dogs specifically.

  10. I think that if you need to harm living creatures in order to figure out facts, they aren't worth figuring out. Find another way, there is no need to harm animals. Lilly Pearson


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