Health benefits of walkable cities won't be realised without reducing automobile use by Romem Ahmed


Health benefits of walkable cities won't be realised without reducing automobile use by Romem

Every year, car manufacturers make awesome cars. Every year cities get more cars. People can't walk in cities because of the large population. Air pollution in cities causes people go out less they stay home. They become less active and they get overweight. After some time, they get health conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes. Walking instead of driving will improve health. Usually wealthy people use cars and governments then put more carbon tax on cars. Government has to encourage people of instead of driving a singel car, they can use bus or train. The Government has to make walking and cycling more available. ‘’We might rethink the logic of putting highways on waterfronts or in beautiful green valleys, as they did in Toronto. scientists are wondered how we square these results with our day-to-day experiences.’’(treehugger’’

For environmental reasons, will people forget their luxury life and do more walking and cycling?

2. If the government prohibits cars, what is going to happen to the car industry?

3. Is that one day all cars will be like Tasha, if so when get car accident car will be total?


  1. walking more is not just healthy for us but also healthy for the environment-Biermann

  2. How would we decrease the amount of cars?
    Devion Harris

  3. Self-driving cars are an interesting technology but I think they could make people lazy. -lizzy raupp

  4. walking could prevent from using so much gas and give less carbon foot print. -Anadia phillips

  5. I don't exactly know how walking could be promoted to the public, with more cars being built and new technology advertised every day. Our culture revolves about convenience, not health, and I don't think anything will change. -Tori Favazza

  6. I think it can be better to walk because it reduces our carbon footprint. Plus, the benefits of walking include improving your mood and staying healthy. - Juan D

  7. I think walking in cities would be better than driving all the time because it is healthier though some cities may be to crowded for this(Ian Noedel)

  8. Alyssa Morales

    I walked around everywhere for almost 2 years becuase my family was without a car, having a car now makes me realize how useful they are. Even though I know its causes environmental issues, I think itd be pretty hard for people to give up driving. Even now there are hybrid cars so people might be even more resistant to walking.

  9. I have been thinking the same thing. It more farm like areas I have found to have more natural air than the city I live in.-Tamara Harmon

  10. Make less cares so more people walk or more electric cars at a cheaper cost.
    Devion Harris..

  11. I definitely do not think that the government should prohibit or put a limit on the use of cars. Even though cars release lots of greenhouse gasses into the air, many people rely on them and need them to be able to get to places in a short amount of time. - Fagan O´Connor

  12. I donty thinj that theyu should put a stop to the use of cars. if they pay money for it then they should be able ot useit whernever they want to becasue thery paid a lot of monmey for ther car -[ Jack O'Leary

  13. People can't always walk to where they need to go. But they should if they live in a big city where they live and work in the same area.

  14. I think that it is unrealistic to take away cars because that is taking a step back in technological progress, but I think we need to make cars more environmentally safe in order to encourage environmentally friendly behavior. Lilly Pearson


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