DNA molecule found in space! by Jordan Celestine

DNA molecule found in space! by Jordan Celestine

DNA is made up of six different parts, one of those parts is a sugar called Deoxyribose, often considered “the backbone” of DNA. Deoxyribose has been found in space. On december 18th in a lab, scientists realized that this sugar can actually be made in space! Tested in a lab, scientists were able to create two of these sugars, by blasting ice with radiation. The team took methanol and water ice cubes, and introduced them to ultraviolet light, warming the ice and replicating the birth of a star. This experiment opens up numerous possibilities, and strengthens the support for some philosophies on how the universe was created. For example, this breaththrough shows that it’s completely possible for DNA to be created naturally in space, and gives us an idea on where it came from. It also tells us that this process happens everywhere in our galaxy! The Eagle Nebula, is one example of a place where Deoxyribose can be created. Known as Stellar Nurseries, they’re places where stars are born, and since the birth of a young star is what creates this sugar, scientists believe the sugar originally came from Stellar Nurseries.

What do you think scientists can do with this new information?

Are you surprised that were just now finding the source of this sugar?

Why did it take so long to find the source?


  1. If scientist work on it hard i think we can find out more about what space is itself build up of. Also this is so cool that bc of technology we are going furthuer into finding out new things .
    - Ansuhka

  2. I think since finding the DNA in space this is one step closer to I think proving there is life in space.

  3. I think scientists can go a long way with this info.

    -Tammia D

  4. If there was life on space, how come we have not yet seen it?

  5. I think life does exist out there.
    -Daniel Kelly

  6. I think there is so much we don't know about space, and this is one step closer to figuring something out. -Klarissa

    1. You're definitely right, space is so vast so any progress we make towards understanding it is positive. - Jordan

  7. with the information that the scientist have, there's a lot that can be done -ogechi

  8. It's interesting that we found this molecule out there, seems like more evidence to show that life could live out there and we could possibly start living on mars. -Avery

  9. we dont know much about space we will figure out much more as time goes on -triston

  10. I feel like this opens a lot of possibilities for what we can do in space, and broadens our perspective of what is possible out there. - Myori


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